September 27. the WP5 Reference Group met in NOV location and discussed the following topics:
WP 5.4 “Influence of wave height on the reliability of an offshore winch” (PhD candidate: Achim Feldermann & Lothar Wöll)
WP 5.5 “Welded joints failure prediction: experimental set up” (PhD candidate: Zbigniew Jakub Mikulski)
WP 5.3 “1D model for thermal properties in fiber ropes and hysteresis model for creep” plus “Update on the rope test rig” (Dr. Espen Oland)
WP 5.2 “Acoustic measurements in metallic dog bones and steel wire ropes, development of a new condition indicator” (Dr. Rune Schlanbusch)
WP 5.1 “Review of Methods for Condition Monitoring of Large, Slow-Rotating Roller Element Bearings” (PhD candidate: Martin Hemmer)
The group consisted of 30 participants from most partners of the SFI .