SFI Offshore Mechatronics will give presentations at the Hydraulics and Pneumatics Symposium at Oslo Airport Gardermoen on Oct.31 to Nov. 1, 2017. For more information see: https://www.tekna.no/kurs/hp-symposiet-2017-34592
Month: May 2017
Annual Conference 2017
The annual conference was held at the University of Agder, Campus Grimstad on May 9-10. The final programme of the annual conference of SFI Offshore Mechatronics is available here, SFI-Programme-May-Conference-2017.pdf
A total of 76 participants participated. The list of participants is available at SFI-OM-Conference-Participants.pdf
Workshop on Digital Fluid Power
The 9th international workshop on Digital Fluid Power, DPF17 will take place in Aalborg, Denmark, September 7-8, 2017. In the previous years it has taken place in either Tampere, Finland or in Linz, Austria. Digital fluid power has been a highly prioritised research topic at Aalborg University for the last ten years. AAU is therefore honoured to host this event and pleased to invite you to participate in bringing both academia and industry partners together; joining the latest research knowledge, stimulating discussions and exchange of experiences on digital fluid power.
Annual Conference, May 9-10, Final Programme and List of Participants
The final programme of the annual conference of SFI Offshore Mechatronics is now available, SFI-Programme-May-Conference-2017.pdf
A total of 76 participants have signed up. The list of participants is available at SFI-OM-Conference-Participants.pdf