The SFI centres are evaluated after 3,5 years. For SFI Offshore Mechatronics the evaluation will take place late 2018 / early 2019. The success criteria to be considered are:
- Long-term industrial research at a high international level in the field outlined in the project description.
- Scientific publications and papers at recognised international journals (preferably Level 2) and conferences
- A distinct research profile and successful at the international level
- Researchers from the host institution and partners participate actively in the Centre’s research
- The Centre’s user partners have increased their research activities
- The Centre is successful in international research cooperation, e.g. as a player under the EU’s framework programme.
- The Centre engages in active collaboration with international research groups and has contributed in other ways to the internationalisation of Norwegian research and business and industry
- The centre attracts outstanding international researchers, including research fellows and senior staff, as visiting researchers
- The centre has an effective framework in place for researcher training, and helps to train highly skilled personnel in the centre’s areas of specialisation
- The Centre is actively engaged in education, especially at the master’s level, with emphasis on increased recruitment of women
Involvement of user partners and other innovation aspects:
- Partners are active in projects and a knowledge basis for innovation related to the partners business areas is created.
- Expectations to social ramifications over and above the partners’ participation
- Mutual mobility of personnel and other joint activities
- Research results are effectively transferred to the partners
- Results that fall outside user partners’ core areas are attempted commercialised
Organisation and Management of the Centre:
- The Centre has good visibility and a strong identity
- The Centre is organised in a way that fits well into the host institution’s organisation
- The Centre has a Board and management that ensure that the plans are followed up
- The Centre has an administration with high professional and administrative skills
Financial aspects:
- The host institution and partners increase their funding
- Active efforts are made to attract new partners
- The Centre has been successful in securing other external funding