Paper Accepted at Number 1 Robotics Conference

The following paper was accepted for publication at the number 1 robotics conference in the world.

Atle Aalerud and Geir Hovland, “Benchmarking Perception Latencies in a Human-Robot Collaborative Environment”, Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Paris, France, June 2020.

One of the reviewers wrote: Overall, I believe this paper is significant for the field in that the authors are taking steps to better capture the performance of camera-based systems for safety applications.

ICRA received over 3,512 submissions, a new record, from 64 countries. Overall, 3,446 papers were reviewed: 2,456 for ICRA 2020 and 990 for the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L). The 10 most popular keywords, in descending order, were: Deep Learning in Robotics and Automation, Motion and Path Planning, Localization, Learning and Adaptive Systems, Autonomous Vehicle Navigation, Multi-Robot Systems, SLAM, Object Detection, Segmentation and Categorization, and Visual-Based Navigation. From the very large number of high-quality papers we selected 1,483 for presentation which represents an acceptance rate of 42%.

Best Presentation Award at IEEE Conference

The PhD candidate Dipendra Subedi (WP3.6) received the Best Presentation Award in Session 2: System Control and Management Engineering at the 2020 IEEE 11th International Conference on Mechanical and Intelligent Manufacturing Technologies,

The presentation was based on the following paper: Dipendra Subedi, Ilya Tyapin and Geir Hovland, “Modeling and Analysis of Flexible Bodies Using Lumped Parameter Method”, 2020 IEEE 11th International Conference on Mechanical and Intelligent Manufacturing Technologies (ICMIMT 2020), January 20-22, 2020, Cape Town, South Africa.

In addition to funding from SFI Offshore Mechatronics, the work was also funded by the spin-off project titled “Lifting and Assembly Manipulator for Improved Efficiency of Construction Processes” which was funded by the Research Council of Norway, project number 261647/O20, under the BIA Program and led by the industry partner MacGregor Norway AS. The project started in Q3-2016 and was completed in Q4-2019.

GCE NODE Publishes a Series of Articles about SFI Offshore Mechatronics

SFI Offshore Mechatronics, here represented by the Chairman of the Board, Leif Haukom.

GCE NODE has published a series of articles about SFI Offshore Mechatronics. Below are the links to these articles:

SFI Offshore Mechatronics – A Driver for Innovation:

SFI Product on Autonomous Vessel:

Companies Attitude to Research Has Changed:

New Research Project Funded

In the project DEEPCOBOTS, researchers from several professional backgrounds at UiA will work together to develop collaborative robots for use in industry in southern Norway. Top left: Professor Geir Grasmo, Head of Department of Engineering Sciences; Associate Professor Ilya Tyapin, Department of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor Linga Reddy Cenkeramaddi from the Department of ICT; Professor Jing Zhou, project manager from the Department of Engineering Sciences; Professor Baltasar Beferull-Lozano from the Department of ICT (by courtesy, member of the Department of Engineering Sciences).

Title: Collective Efficient Deep Learning and Networked Control for Multiple Collaborative Robot Systems (DEEPCOBOT)
Research programme: Ubiquitous Data and Services-Researcher Project, Research Council of Norway
Financing from research council: 16 MNOK
Own financing from UiA: 3.5 MNOK
In Total: 19.5 MNOK