Level 2 Paper Accepted

SFI Offshore Mechatronics has it’s first level 2 paper accepted: Sondre Sanden Tørdal and Geir Hovland, “Ship-to-Ship State Observer using Sensor Fusion and the Extended Kalman Filter”, ASME Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Accepted for publication, September 2018.

This journal is classified as Level 2 (the highest) in Norway, see: https://dbh.nsd.uib.no/publiseringskanaler/KanalTidsskriftInfo.action?id=443451&bibsys=false&request_locale=en

A new crane control and estimation laboratory

Figure 1. A new crane laboratory at NTNU, Trondheim.

The construction of the new crane laboratory at NTNU, Trondheim has been finalized. The laboratory features a down-scaled version of a knuckle boom crane, which will be used for testing and developing control and estimation algorithms for offshore operations. The PhD candidate Andrej Cibicik (NTNU), who is responsible for the design and assembly of the laboratory, thinks that the research results will provide significant value for the industry.

– The lab itself was built from scratch, so I had a lot of flexibility to make it as versatile as possible. I decided from the start that we should have industrial control hardware in the loop, so that our implementation schemes can be easily transferred to industrial applications. I think that our group at NTNU has achieved a very good theoretical level in the areas of modeling, control and estimation. The next step is to demonstrate to the industry partners how the equations work in practice.

Today, the safety and feasibility of offshore crane operations depends very much on the skills and experience of the crane operator. With this new laboratory we can test and benchmark different automated control approaches for performing safe crane operations in demanding conditions. Andrej Cibicik is collaborating with his colleagues Aksel Sveier (NTNU), Alexander Meyer Sjøberg (NTNU) and Geir Ole Tysse (NTNU). Professor Olav Egeland (NTNU) is the leader for the working packages WP2 and WP4, he is positive about the collaboration between the PhD candidates.

Figure 2. PhD researchers: (from left to right) Alexander Meyer Sjøberg, Geir Ole Tysse, Aksel Sveier and Andrej Cibicik.

Andrej Cibicik adds:

– We want to study possibilities of damping the sway of the payload at the specific position, as well as possibilities of following trajectories while minimizing the sway of the payload. My own research is mainly focused on modeling and control, but the controller is dependent on measured or estimated systems states. Some of the states are very difficult or even impossible to measure, here a reliable estimation procedure comes into play. Luckily, I have several colleagues working with advanced estimation and filtering.

Aksel Sveier is working on implementation of 3D vision sensors and sensor fusion for offshore applications. He thinks there is a large potential for the technology in the industry.

– My research is focused on estimating and tracking position and orientation of dynamic objects and systems using mainly 3D vision sensor technology. The 3D camera enables us to track virtually any object (or several objects) even in poor lighting conditions. We have already conducted several experiments in the lab where we have tracked the crane load using a 3D camera. Potentially, we can also track other equipment and personnel on the drill floor thanks to the flexibility of this 3D vision system. In addition, the estimation and filtering techniques I use enable sensor fusion with other sensors, such as 2D cameras and IMUs, so we can achieve the robustness that is required in an offshore operation.

Alexander Meyer Sjøberg and Geir Ole Tysse are looking at the alternative solutions for tracking of the crane payload.

– We are looking at the application of 2D vision sensors for object tracking in the context of motion compensation. The 2D cameras are known to be very precise sensors under favourable conditions, however the implementation is challenging for real-life cases. We want to investigate the robustness of the technology on its own and in combination with other sensors. The price of the 2D sensors is relatively low and they can easily be mounted on the crane boom or any suited location on the ship to track the motion of the payload, or the other vessel.

Center leader Geir Hovland welcomes the new lab facility at NTNU. The work done on sensors, sensor fusion, algorithms and the scaled-down knuckle boom crane is highly relevant for the research centre SFI Offshore Mechatronics and it’s industry partners.

Accepted Scientific Publications 2018


Journal publications: 10
Journal publications (Open Access): 9
Journal publications (Level 2): 2
Conference publications: 23
Total publications: 33

Note: Link to full text either OA = Open Access or PP = ProjectPlace for consortium partners only Journal

Journal Papers:
J1: Søren Ketelsen, Lasse Schmidt, Viktor Hristov Donkov and Torben Ole Andersen, “Energy Saving Potential in Knuckle Boom Cranes Using a Novel Pump Controlled Cylinder Drive”. Modelling, Identification and Control, Vol 39, number 2, 2018, pp 73-89, [OA], WP1

J2: Kleppe, Adam Leon; Tingelstad, Lars; Egeland, Olav. Coarse Alignment for Model Fitting of Point Clouds using a Curvature-Based Descriptor. IEEE Transactions Science and Engineering. [OA], WP2

J3: Tysse, Geir Ole; Egeland, Olav. Dynamic model for a heavy crane on a ship moving in waves. Modeling, Identification and Control, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 45-60. [OA], WP2

J4: Tingelstad, Lars; Egeland, Olav. (2018) Motor Parameterization. Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras. May 2018, 28:34 [OA], WP2

J5: L. Wöll, G. Jacobs and A. Kramer – 2018 – Lifetime Calculation of Irregularly Oscillating Bearings in Offshore Winches, Modeling, Identification and Control, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 61-72. [OA], WP5

J6: Jan Kucera and Geir Hovland, Tail Removal Block Validation: Implementation and Analysis, Modeling, Identification and Control, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 151-156. [OA], WP3

J7: Sondre S. Tørdal, Jan T. Olsen and Geir Hovland, “The Norwegian Motion-Laboratory”. Modelling, Identification and Control, Vol 39, number 3, 2018, pp 191-208, doi 10.4173/mic.2018.3.5 [OA], WP2

J8: Sondre Sanden Tørdal and Geir Hovland, “Ship-to-Ship State Observer using Sensor Fusion and the Extended Kalman Filter”, ASME Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 2018 (Level 2). [OA], WP2

J9: Z. Mikulski and T. Lassen, Fatigue crack initiation and subsequent crack growth in fillet welded steel joints, International Journal of Fatigue, 2018 (Level 2). [PP], WP5

J10: Martin Hemmer , Huynh Van Khang , Kjell G. Robbersmyr , Tor I. Waag and Thomas J. J. Meyer, Fault Classification of Axial and Radial Roller Bearings Using Transfer Learning through a Pretrained Convolutional Neural Network. Designs 2018, 2(4), 56. [OA], WP5

Conference Papers:

C1: Daniel Hagen, Damiano Padovani, and Morten Kjeld Ebbesen, “Study of a Self-Contained Electro-Hydraulic Cylinder Drive”, 2018 Global Fluid Power Society PhD Symposium (GFPS2018) in Samara, Russia, July 18-20, 2018. [PP], WP1

C2: Viktor Hristov Donkov, Torben Ole Andersen, Henrik Clemmensen Pedersen and Morten Kjeld Ebbesen, “Application of Model Predictive Control in Discrete Displacement Cylinders to Drive a Knuckle Boom Crane”, 2018 Global Fluid Power Society PhD Symposium (GFPS2018) in Samara, Russia, July 18-20, 2018. [PP], WP1

C3: Sondre Nordås, Morten Kjeld Ebbesen and Torben Ole Andersen, Analysis of Valve Accuracy and Repeatability in High Efficient Digital Displacement Motors, FPMC2018 – ASME Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control, Bath, UK, September 12-14, 2018. [PP], WP1

C4: Cibicik, Andreij; Myhre, Torstein Anderssen; Egeland, Olav. (2018) Modeling and Control of a Bifilar Crane Payload. American Control Conference (ACC). [PP], WP2

C5: Cibicik, Andrej; Egeland, Olav. (2018) Estimation of dynamic interface forces between an offshore crane and a vessel, 2018 5th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT). [PP], WP2

C6: Sjøberg, Alexander M.; Egeland, Olav. (2018) Kinematic Feedback Control Using Dual Quaternions. 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 2018. [PP], WP2

C7: Schubert, Philipp; Abel, Dirk. Roboterbasierter Teststand zur assistierten Teleoperation teilautonomer Offshore Kräne. Abstract accepted by VDI Automation 2018 [PP], WP2

C8: Aksel Sveier, Torstein A. Myhre and Olav Egeland, Pose Estimation with Dual Quaternions and Iterative Closest Point – 2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC) [PP], WP2

C9: Aksel Sveier and Olav Egeland, Pose Estimation using Dual Quaternions and Moving Horizon Estimation – 2nd IFAC Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems MICNON 2018: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, 20–22 June 2018. [PP], WP2

C10: T. N. Weerasinghe, I. A. M. Balapuwaduge and F. Y. Li, “Per-user availability for ultra-reliable communication in 5G: Concept and analysis,” 2018 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Barcelona, 2018, pp. 1-6. [PP], WP3

C11: Atle Aalerud, Joacim Dybedal and Geir Hovland, Scalability of GPU-Processed 3D Distance Maps for Industrial Environments, IEEE/ASME Intl. Conf. on Mechatronic Systems and Applications (MESA2018), Oulu, Finland. [PP], WP3

C12: Erind Ujkani, Joacim Dybedal, Atle Aalerud, Knut Berg Kaldestad and Geir Hovland, Visual Marker Guided Point Cloud Registration in a Large Multi-Sensor Industrial Robot Cell, IEEE/ASME Intl. Conf. on Mechatronic Systems and Applications (MESA2018), Oulu, Finland. [PP], WP3

C13: Atle Aalerud, Joacim Dybedal and Geir Hovland, Industrial Environment Mapping Using Distributed Static 3D Sensor Nodes, IEEE/ASME Intl. Conf. on Mechatronic Systems and Applications (MESA2018), Oulu, Finland. [PP], WP3

C14: Njål Tengesdal, Torstein Thode Kristoffersen, Christian Holden – Applied Nonlinear Compressor Control with Gain Scheduling and State Estimation, IFAC OOGP2018, Esbjerg, Denmark. [PP], WP4

C15: Lars Ivar Hatledal, Houxiang Zhang. A Software Package for working with Functional Mock-up Units on the Java Virtual Machine. Abstract accepted, full paper submission by 16. April. 59th International Conference of Scandinavian Simulation Society, SIMS 2018, Oslo, September 26-28. [OA], WP4

C16: Shaun Falconer, Ellen Nordgård-Hansen and Geir Grasmo: “Temperature measurements as a method for monitoring ropes”, The 13th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM-2018), Stavanger, Norway. [PP], WP5

C17: Martin Hemmer, Kjell G. Robbersmyr, Tor I. Waag and Thomas J. J. Meyer, “Rib-Roller Wear in Tapered Rolling Element Bearings: Analysis and Development of Test Rig for Condition Monitoring”, The 13th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM-2018), Stavanger, Norway. [PP], WP5

C18: Tor I. Waag and M. Hemmer, “Observation and Processing of Instantaneous Frequency Variations during Bearing Tests”, The 13th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM-2018), Stavanger, Norway. [PP], WP5

C19: L. Wöll, G. Jacobs and A. Kramer – 2018 – Lifetime Prediction as Result of Calculated Component Loads from Available System Data, The 13th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM-2018), Stavanger, Norway. [PP], WP5

C20: T. Weerasinghe, D. Romero, C. Asenio-Marco, B. Beferull-Lozano, “Fast distributed subspace projection via graph filters”, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, Sig. Process., (Calgary, Canada), 2018. [PP], WP3

C21: L. Ben Saad, B. Beferull-Lozano, “Stochastic Graph Filtering under Asymmetric Links in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), 2018. [PP], WP5

C22: L. M. Lopez-Ramos, D. Romero, B. Zaman, B. Beferull-Lozano. Dynamic network identification from non-stationary vector autoregressive time series, IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), 2018. [PP], WP6

C23: S. Mollaebrahim, C. Asensio-Marco, D. Romero, B. Beferull-Lozano. Decentralized subspace projection in Large Networks, IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), 2018. [PP], WP6