PhD Defence

Sondre Sanden Tørdal successfully defended his PhD thesis on March 19, 2019. The title of the thesis was: “Real-Time Motion Compensation in Ship-to-Ship Load Handling”. The title of the trial lecture was “Towards fully autonomous off-shore operation – Challenges and opportunities?” This PhD defence was the first in the research centre SFI Offshore Mechatronics and many more will follow in 2019 and 2020.

From left: Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl (Opponent from Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU), Dr. Sondre Sanden Tørdal and Professor Svante Gunnarsson (Opponent from Division of Automatic Control, Department of Electrial Engineering, Linköping University).

Mid-Term Evaluation, Site Visit, March 14

The site visit as part of the mid-term evaluation of SFI Offshore Mechatronics took place at UiA Campus Grimstad, on March 14. The following participants were involved:

RCN representatives: Liv Jorunn Jenssen and Øyvind Veddeng Salvesen

Evaluation Panel:
Generalists: Professor Alison McKay (University of Leeds, UK, leader of evaluation panel) and Dr. Mary O’Kane (Emeritus Professor, Australia)
Experts: Professor Neil Duffie (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) and Professor Anders Robertsson (Lund University, Sweden)

10:00 – 12:00 Scientific Experts Evaluation session
1. Morten Kjeld Ebbesen (UiA, WP1 Leader)
2. Torben Ole Andersen (Aalborg, WP1 Leader)
3. Olav Egeland (NTNU, WP2 and WP4 Leader)
4. Geir Hovland (UiA, Centre and WP3 Leader)
5. Thomas Meyer (NORCE, WP5 Leader)
6. Baltasar Beferull Lozano (UiA, WP6 Leader)
7. Øyvind Haugen or Marianne Engvoll (GCE NODE, WP7)
8. Anne-Line Aagedal (UiA, Centre Management)

13:00 – 14:00 Meeting with PhD students (panel, RCN reps. and PhDs/Post.Docs)
1. Lothar Wöll (RWTH Aachen, PhD, WP5)
2. Yvonne Murray (UiA, PhD, WP3)
3. Atle Aalerud (UiA, PhD, WP3)
4. Andrej Cibicik (NTNU, PhD, WP2)
5. Luis Lopez (UiA, Post.Doc, WP6)
6. Martin Hemmer (UiA, PhD, WP5)
7. Njål Tengesdal (NTNU, PhD, WP4)
8. Sondre Nordås (UiA, PhD, WP1)
9. Søren Ketelsen (AAU, PhD, WP1)
10. Thiago Monteiro (NTNU Aalesund, PhD, WP3)

14:00 – 16:00 Generalists Evaluation session
1. Leif Haukom (GCE NODE and Centre Chairman)
2. Eivind Gimming Stensland (MacGregor and Member of Steering Board)
3. Peder Sletfjerding (NOV and main contact person for the WPs)
4. Asle Pedersen (Innoventus Sør and Centre Management)
5. Anne-Line Aagedal (UiA, Centre Management)
6. Geir Hovland (UiA, Centre Leader)
7. Michael Rygaard Hansen (UiA, Dean of Faculty)
8. Seunn Smith-Tønnesen (UiA, University Director)
9. Thomas Meyer (NORCE, WP Leader)
10. Geir Grasmo (UiA, Head of Department)
11. Sissel Eikeland (UiA, Communications Dept.)

The presentations given on March 14 are available for the centre partners, in ProjectPlace – WP0 Administration – Mid-Term Evaluation – Presentations

Below are some photos from the site visit:

WP5 Leader Thomas Meyer presents the bend-over-sheave (BOS) machine for testing both steel and fibre ropes.

The four reviewers listen to the presentation of steel and fibre ropes testing.

Andersson, Duffie and McKay in the point-cloud robotics lab.

PhD candidate Atle Aalerud giving a presentation of his work on real-time point cloud processing, obstacle detection and path planning.

PhD candidate Daniel Hagen giving a presentation of his work on a self-contained electro-hydraulic actuator.

University Director Seunn Smith-Tønnesen, Centre Chairman Leif Haukom and Centre Leader Geir Hovland after the mid-term evaluation site visit was completed.