José Amendola started as PhD Research Fellow in WP3.9 since January, 17th, 2021, with Associate Professor Ajit Jha as main supervisor and Associate Professor Linga Reddy Cenkeramaddi as co-supervisor. The title of his project is: “Sensor Fusion For Perception, Collision Avoidance And Navigation Towards Autonomous Systems”. He has a MSc degree in Mechatronics Engineering from University of São Paulo, Brazil, 2020 and a BSc in Electrical Engineering also from University of São Paulo, Brazil, 2013, with a year of studies in Robotics field at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany. His M.Sc. thesis aimed to develop automatic ship navigation in port channels under environmental forces using Reinforcement Learning and maritime simulator. He has also experience in software development, having worked for more than 4 years in a team responsible for a full immersion maritime simulator.