Note: The workshop has been moved to November 23! The final program may change.
Registration for the workshop can be made here:
9:30 Registration and coffee
10:00 Introduction to Julia programming language, applications in control systems, robotics and machine learning (Mattias Fält, Lund University)
11:30 Introduction to Docker, Git and Python (Christian Auby, University of Agder)
12:00 Lunch
12:45 Interactive workshop (Christian Auby)
• Installing and setting up Docker, Git and Python (bring-your-own device!)
14:00 Coffee break
14:15 User manual presentations
• Production of user manuals using screen recording (Asle Pedersen)
• Patent and Scholarly Search and Analysis (Asle Pedersen)
• Overleaf+Mendeley (Atle Aalerud, tbc)
• Cloud based GPU accelerated brute force optimization (Joacim Dybedal, tbc)
15:30 Introduction of Norwegian Society of Mechatronics (NSM)
15:45 Program finished
17:00 Social program start
• Dinner (place tbd)